Excellence Committee
Chairman of Excellence Committee

Michel Glotin
• Director Materials Science Arkema
• Former President GFP (French Polymer Group)
" Composites are making their revolution towards Industry 4.0, the growth in volumes and the penetration of composite materials in ever more technical and advanced applications make it essential to train new employees but also to increase the skills of teams at all levels already active in this industry... What I found most exciting about the E-Learning Composites Academy training is that it is adapted to meet the needs of each level, whether it is the production operator, the technician who wants to progress in their profession or the design engineer who has to choose the best process to mass-produce a particular part. It is also the unique combination for E-learning between theoretical and conceptual aspects and "Practical Work" that allows a good understanding of the different processes used to produce composite parts. Like all my colleagues on the Excellence Committee, from large industrial groups, SMEs, academia and research, I am particularly proud and happy to support this initiative. "
Members of the Excellence Committee

Bernard de MULATIER

Distinguished Professor ESPCI PARIS

Antoine LEGROS
CEO Groupe Institut de Soudure
" The concept developed by Composite Expert is an innovative training module combining theory and practice, digital and face-to-face. It allows, on the one hand, an increase in the skills of the learners and, on the other hand, an increase in the employability of the trainees by offering employers a validation of a level of skills. "

CEO Compose Tech Industrie

Gilmar LIMA
CEO G12 Innovation BRESIL
" E-learning Composites Academy transcends a composites training platform. In reality, for me it is a platform for technology management and the development of people and solutions. The project that integrates theory, practice and more than 40 years of experience and knowledge in composites around the world. It’s a concept that will revolutionize and qualify our Market. "

Christophe BINETRUY
Professor Ecole Centrale de Nantes
" Composites Expert brings to the learners the fruit of a large and recognized industrial experience and the possibility to learn the essentials of composite processes through an innovative pedagogical approach. "

" COMPOSITES EXPERT invests in the education of engineers, technicians and operators of our industries in Composites Transformation Processes: pedagogy, continuing education, practical work, and certification. "

Philippe SANIAL
Director R&T Chomarat Group

François TROCHU
Professor Polytechnic Montreal Consulting Engineer (L3C) CANADA
" Composites Expert has created a new kind of training, with practical demonstrations on the manufacture of composites by injection. In a very ingenious way thanks to simple and lightweight devices, it is possible for the learner to experiment while being guided by advanced concepts and by an easy-to-use software. Congratulations to Composites Academy for not having hesitated to innovate and facilitate learning these technologies by combining theory and practice. "

Head of R&T Engineering Toulouse Stelia Aérospace

Alexandre CAILLAUD
Business Developper Composite Division Diatex

Director Aeronautics & Composites l'Institut de Soudure Group
" With, as a main focus, to bring knowledge on composite materials and processes to all, Composite Academy Digital learning is serving the Composite Industry. "

Professor Institut Mines-Télécom Lille-Douai "Technology Platforms" Strategic Program Manager
" A pragmatic pedagogical approach combining solid theoretical bases with relevant experiments and sharing a unique industrial experience with the learners. "

Director of Training, Efficiency and resources Institut de Soudure Group

Head of Composite plateform Institut de Soudure Group

Manager of Polymers & Composites Additive Manufacturing Team Safran Composites

Thierry ZIMNY
Professor University of Lorraine Head of Research mission
" The E-Learning training project proposed by the Composites Academy is innovative and meet a strong expectation expressed by professionals and academics in the vast world of composites ! "

Director of Research and Expertise Institut de Soudure Group
" After years of innovation and technology transfer in the field of composite materials, Jean-Pierre Cauchois naturally identified the needs in skills and training required and created "Composites Academy" which effectively meets these needs. This startup uses new technologies to meet the needs in training and skills necessary to disseminate good practices in the field of composite materials and processes. "

Cedric Dupas
Head of the "Composite Completion" domain at Daher

Alexandre Hamlyn
Co-founder of Coriolis Composites

Anne Carole Barbarin
Regional Events Director chez JEC